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Movement and Dance for Preschoolers!

Friday, February 7 (10:15 AM - 10:45 AM)
Location: Scotts Valley
Room: Fireside Community Room

Children aged 3-6 are invited to come dance at the Scotts Valley Library! The library is partnering with local dance school Agape Dance Academy to offer a special monthly program where kids are taught mindfulness through movement and dance. Kids will also be able to wear costumes, dance freely and have fun!

Be sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing and be prepared to move!



Register Now!

Discovery Zone Playgroup

Friday, February 7 (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
Location: Boulder Creek
Room: Boulder Creek Community Room, Outdoor Amphitheater

A time for free play for children with a participating adult. Arrival and departure times are flexible. This is a drop-in early learning program, where there will be toys for developing and strengthening gross motor skills, as well as providing time for young children to learn socialization skills,  and for all participants to form friendships.

Bookbinding - Japanese Orihon Side-sewn Binding

Friday, February 7 (10:30 AM - 1:00 PM)
Location: Felton
Room: Felton Community Room

The Japanese Side-Sewn - Stab Binding - is an ancient form of book structure; simple, elegant and extremely versatile. Students will learn its history and create one of their own by the end of this class session.


Community-led Learning Presenter Bio:

Beth Thomas, located locally in Ben Lomond, has been bookbinding for over 35 years and has a bookbinding studio, Danskbog Bindery, where she does book restoration work, designs and makes new books and teaches bookbinding.

Register Now!

Movie Discussion Group @ La Selva Beach

Friday, February 7 (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
Location: La Selva Beach

The LSB Movie Discussion group meets on the first Friday of the month at 10:30am. All adults are welcome. We discuss movies and TV series that are currently in the movie theaters or streaming online.  For more information call 831-427-7710


Knitting @ Live Oak Library

Friday, February 7 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Location: Live Oak

We are knitting at Live Oak Library on Fridays. This fun social group. Come for part of the time or stay for the whole event. Other fiber crafts are welcome and encouraged. 

For more information contact the librarian Julie Soto or 831-427-7700 ext 7649

Our Community Reads Preschool Story Time & Craft

Friday, February 7 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Location: Aptos
Room: The Betty Leonard Community Room

Join us for great stories and a craft related to the Our Community Reads choice: Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver. 

Books about Butterflies and nature, and a butterfly craft.

Friday 11:00a to 12noon

Aptos Branch Library, Community Room

Ages 4-6


Baby Time and Stay & Play @ Capitola

Friday, February 7 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Location: Capitola
Room: Ow Family Community Room

Baby Story Time features songs, rhymes, stories, and lap play designed to help babies develop early literacy skills. This program is designed for children ages birth to two and their caregivers, but all ages are welcome! After Baby Time, stay for Stay & Play to reinforce early literacy skills through play and create connections with other families. 

Preschool Storytime @ Scotts Valley

Friday, February 7 (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
Location: Scotts Valley
Room: Fireside Community Room

Come join Librarian Emily for stories, songs, and lots of fun for preschoolers and their caregivers in our beautiful, newly-renovated Scotts Valley Library Branch every Friday at 11am.

Scrabble @ La Selva Beach

Friday, February 7 (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM)
Location: La Selva Beach

Did you know that  PACZKI is a round filled doughnut (23 points)?  Come test your vocabulary in a game of Scrabble®.



La Selva Beach Library, 316 Estrella Ave., LSB

Are you a bridge player too?  The LSB Bridge Club is 10:30-12:00 on Fridays (except the 1st Friday of the month).  

Questions? Call the La Selva Beach Library at 831-427-7710.


Encompass Outreach Worker Office Hours

Friday, February 7 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM)
Location: Downtown
Room: Life Literacies Center

An Encompass Outreach worker will be available on a drop-in basis, 1:00 - 3:00 PM, in the Life Literacies Center at the Downtown Library for anyone with questions regarding connecting to social services, county mental health, addiction recovery options, housing applications, the Homeward Bound bus ticket program, obtaining a PO Box, clearing camping tickets, obtaining a fee-free DMV CA Identification application and more.

Walk-ins welcome, everyone served on a first come, first served basis

In-Person Tech Help @ Felton

Friday, February 7 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM)
Location: Felton
Room: Felton Study Room

Are you stuck with a technology question?

One of our tech savvy staff members at the Felton Library would like to help you troubleshoot your question with a 30 minute (or less) appointment. Possible topics may include: creating an email account, creating documents, attaching files, using premium subscription library resources, downloading and streaming content like movies, books, and audiobooks, and more. Please bring any devices you use, and have your necessary passwords and library card with you.

Make an appointment:

Advance appointments are prioritized. Visit the library's information desk or call telephone information (831-427-7713) for help making an appointment. Arriving later than 5 minutes after scheduled time may result in appointment cancellation. Walk-ins are welcome, when openings are available.

Visit the library's Digital Learning webpage for more opportunites:

We look forward to helping you!

Make and Explore @ Live Oak

Friday, February 7 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM)
Location: Live Oak

Every week we will have a new project idea for you to build or explore. Projects will include Science, Arts & Crafts, Model building, and Exploration of the environment around us.

Please allow at least 30 minutes to complete a project.

Children under 7 yrs old will need an adult present to help them. Expect to get messy!

Lego Friday Fun

Friday, February 7 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM)
Location: Felton
Room: Felton Community Room

Use your imagination and build anything you can dream! Lego and Duplo blocks will be available for children and youth to tinker with, build, explore, and creatively play! 

No registration necessary.

Afterschool STEAM: Lego Stop Motion Movies @ Aptos

Friday, February 7 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM)
Location: Aptos
Room: The Betty Leonard Community Room

Lights! Cameras! Action!

Dreamed of making your own movie?  Here's your big break to do it all!  Write the script, build the set, and film your own movie using Lego's and Stop Motion Studio software.  Space is limited to 10 individuals or teams.  If you are working together, only one team member needs to register. 

4 week series.  January 17 to February 7

Fridays  3:00--4:30

Ages 10 to 18

Questions?  Email Sandi:

Register Now!

Zentangle Art

Saturday, February 8 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
Location: Capitola
Room: Barbara Gorson Multiuse Room

The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Join Certified Zentangle Teacher Lisa Hoesing for an introductory workshop and monthly meetup to practice the method.

The monthly meetup will take place on the second Saturday of each month in the Barbara Gorson Multipurpose Room. All supplies will be provided at the event, thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Capitola Library

Periodic workshops to welcome new beginners will also take place.

Take a look:

Saturday Shakespeare

Saturday, February 8 (10:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
Location: Aptos
Room: The Betty Leonard Community Room

The play will be Timon of Athens

Timon is one of the less-often performed Shakespeare plays. He is immensely wealthy and his generosity makes him extremely popular, until his money runs out. His friends, who had received expensive gifts from him in the past, now refuse to help, giving feeble excuses. Timon becomes insane with anger, and even helps a soldier who is threatening Athens. At the end, an embittered Timon dies, leaving an epitaph that curses his enemies and asks others to pass by and ignore his grave.
After our series has ended, the Undiscovered Shakespeare program at UCSC will present a reading of Timon by Professional actors, together with discussions, spread over three sessions.

The schedule of speakers so far is:

January 11th--Michael Warren, Emeritus Professor of Literature at UCSC, and a renowned Shakespeare scholar.

January 18th--Zack Fine, an actor who has performed on and off Broadway, and throughout the U.S at regional theatres. He played the Fool in a 2020 production of Timon put on by Theater of the New Audience.

January 25th--TBD

Feb 1st--Gretchen Minton. Gretchen is a Professor in the Department of English at Montana State University. She is also the editor of several books and critical editions, including Timon of Athens. She will be the scholar at the Undiscovered Shakespeare presentation in February.

Feb 8th:  View a DVD recording of a 2018 performance at the Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario Canada.

Special Fabric Flower Workshop with Community Crafters @ Boulder Creek

Saturday, February 8 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Location: Boulder Creek
Room: Boulder Creek Community Room, Outdoor Amphitheater

Join us for a fun morning creating small fabric flowers! Barbara Lockwood will be leading this free workshop with special guest, Chris Flynn, author of Fabric Flower Tutorials: Bountiful Blooms. We will use lace, fabric, bead, buttons and old jewelry pieces to create lovely shabby chic flowers.

All supplies will be provided.

Register early as our workshops fill quickly!

Register Now!

English Language Conversation Group with Volunteer Center Literacy Program

Saturday, February 8 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Location: Capitola
Room: Brad Mcdonald Conference Room

Please join us at the Capitola Branch Library on Saturdays, 10am-12pm for a chance to practice your English language skills with new friends and a group leader from the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County Literacy Program.

For more information about the Literacy Program visit or call  831-427-5077.

Project Scout Tax Preparation Assistance

Saturday, February 8 (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
Location: Downtown

Project SCOUT offers Volunteer income tax assistance and tax counseling for local residents during tax season at sites throughout Santa Cruz County. Volunteers are trained by Internal Revenue Service and Franchise Tax Board personnel. For disabled individuals unable to get to the tax sites, they have trained volunteers who can do in-home tax preparation. Seniors get priority at all library sessions.


Appointments are necessary for tax help and can be made by calling 831-427-7713 or by visiting the Downtown Branch Library Reference Desk.


For more information, call the Watsonville Office at 1-831-724-2606 or toll-free at 1-877-373-8297. Or visit the Project Scout Website: Project Scout

INCOME OF $64,000 and below, simple returns only.

El proyecto SCOUT y sus voluntarios ofrecen asistencia con preparación de impuestos y asesoría fiscal para residentes locales durante la temporada de impuestos del gobierno en sitios ubicados por todo el condado de Santa Cruz. Voluntarios están capacitados por el personal del IRS y el Franchise Tax Board (impuestos de ingresos estatales) de California. Para los individuos discapacitados incapaz de llegar a los sitios de asistencia, tendrán voluntarios preparados para ayudar con preparación de impuestos en su domicilio.

Para más información, llama a la oficina de Watsonville al 1-831-724-2606 o con llamada gratuita al 1-877-373-8297. También puede visitar el sitio web (solo en inglés): El Proyecto Scout

In-Person Tech Help @ La Selva Beach

Saturday, February 8 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Location: La Selva Beach
Room: La Selva Beach Branch Library

Are you stuck with a technology question?

One of our tech savvy staff members at the La Selva Beach Library would like to help you troubleshoot your question with a 30 minute (or less) appointment. Possible topics may include: creating an email account, creating documents, attaching files, using premium subscription library resources, downloading and streaming content like movies, books, and audiobooks, and more. Please bring any devices you use, and have your necessary passwords and library card with you. 

Please make an appointment in advance here: 

Please call telephone information (831-427-7713) if you require assistance making an appointment.

We look forward to helping you!

Contact Us

SCPL staff available
Mon-Thur 10am-6pm
Fri-Sat 10am-5pm
Sun 1pm-5pm

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Essential Services & Community Resources

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