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  • Author Talk: John Walker @ La Selva Beach
    Sat, Nov. 2 (1:00 PM-2:00 PM)
    Location: La Selva Beach
    Room: La Selva Beach Branch Library

    Author John Walker talks about his latest book, Fritzie Rides Home. It is the sequel of Walker's 2022 book, KT and the Ride of His Life.

    Fritzie is on the run, chased by an angry man with a bald head. And the only place he can go is the house of his friend, KT, more than 200 miles away.

    In his new life, Fritzie must learn to follow the house rules laid out by KT’s dad—early to bed, no gaming or TV!—while he hides out, holds down a job, and tangles with bicycle thieves.

    This event is sponsored by the La Selva Beach Friends of the Library

  • Virtual Author Talk with Navajo Investigator Stanley Milford, Jr.
    Thu, Nov. 7 (4:00 PM-5:00 PM)
    Location: Virtual Library
    Room: Online

    A Navajo Investigator’s Search for the Unexplained: In Conversation with Stanley Milford, Jr.

    You are welcome to join us in conversation with Navajo Ranger, Stanley Milford, Jr. as he chats about the chilling and clear-eyed memoir of his investigations into bizarre cases of the paranormal and the unexplained in Navajoland.

    As a Native American with parents of both Navajo and Cherokee descent, Stanley Milford, Jr. grew up in a world where the supernatural was both expected and taboo, where shapeshifters roamed, witchcraft was a thing to be feared, and children were taught not to whistle at night. In his youth, Milford never went looking for the paranormal, but it always seemed to find him. When he joined the fabled Navajo Rangers—a law enforcement branch of the Navajo Nation who are equal parts police officers, archeological conservationists, and historians—the paranormal became part of his job. Alongside addressing the mundane duties of overseeing the massive 27,000-square-mile reservation, Milford was assigned to utterly bizarre and shockingly frequent cases involving mysterious livestock mutilations, skinwalker and Bigfoot sightings, UFOs, and malicious hauntings.

    In The Paranormal Ranger, Milford recounts the stories of these cases from the clinical and deductive perspective of a law enforcement officer. Milford’s Native American worldview and investigative training collide to provide an eerie account of what logic dictates should not be possible. Register now to expand your own worldview and be ready for a chill to run down your spine!  

    Join the conversation and register at

    For upcoming author talks, visit

    SCPL's Virtual Author Talks are made possible by the Friends of the Capitola Library.

    About the Author: Stanley Milford, Jr., graduated from the United States Indian Police Academy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, and worked continuously as a sworn law enforcement officer for over twenty-three years. He served as the delegated Chief Navajo Ranger for over two years through March of 2019. While with the Navajo Rangers, Stan oversaw a section called the Special Projects Unit (SPU), whose responsibilities included the investigation of cases that did not fit within everyday parameters of law enforcement or criminal investigation, many of which involved reports of the paranormal or supernatural. After leaving the Navajo Rangers, Stan served as the senior investigator for the Navajo Nation’s White Collar Crime Unit. 

  • Celebrate the Return of the Animals with Local Artist Beth Gripenstraw
    Fri, Nov. 8 (3:00 PM-4:00 PM)
    Location: Scotts Valley
    Room: Fireside Community Room

    Meet local artist Beth Gripenstraw who will share her latest project, an illustrated children’s book, Lou - Let’s Go to Mexico. Beth is the creator of the delightful animal sculptures that live at the Scotts Valley Library. The full-sized papier mâché animals, birds, and reptiles are all endangered species. When the library was closed for renovations, the animals were stored but now all are back in their full glory. 

    We’ll start with a quick tour of the library to visit the animal sculptures followed by a book talk in the Fireside Room where Beth will read from her new book. Attendees will have an opportunity to purchase Beth’s book and get it autographed. 

    Refreshments and a photo booth will follow.

    Sponsored by the Friends of the Scotts Valley Library

  • Charla virtual del autor: Javier Zamora en español
    Sat, Nov. 9 (11:00 AM-12:00 PM)
    Location: Virtual Library
    Room: Online

    Sobre la migración infantil desde Centroamérica--En conversación con Javier Zamora

    (Solamente en Español) - (Event ONLY in Spanish)

    Sintoniza una conversación especial con el autor más vendido del New York Times Javier Zamora mientras conversa con nosotros sobre su fascinante historia de supervivencia y perseverancia, tal como se cuenta en sus memorias premiadas Solito.  

    La aventura de Javier es una travesía de tres mil millas desde su pequeño pueblo en El Salvador, a través de Guatemala y México, hacia la frontera de Estados Unidos. Dejará atrás a sus queridos abuelos y su tía para reunirse con una madre que se fue cuatro años atrás y con un padre al que prácticamente no recuerda. Al viajar solo, a excepción de un grupo de extraños y un coyote contratado para guiarlos a salvo, Javier debía tardar solo dos semanas en llegar. 

    A los nueve años, todo lo que Javier puede imaginar es correr a los brazos de sus padres, acurrucarse en la cama entre ellos y vivir bajo el mismo techo otra vez. No puede prever los peligrosos trayectos en bote, las interminables caminatas por el desierto, las armas apuntándole, los arrestos y los engaños que le esperan. Tampoco sabe que esas dos semanas se alargarán hasta dos meses y le cambiarán la vida, junto a un grupo de extraños que acabará por cobijarlo como una familia improvisada.

    Solito no solo nos ofrece un recuento íntimo e inmediato de un viaje sinuoso y casi imposible, sino la milagrosa bondad y el amor que se entrega en los momentos más inesperados. Solito es la historia de Javier, pero es también la historia de millones más que no tuvieron otra opción más que irse de casa.

    ¡Regístrese hoy para obtener más información sobre esta apasionante y conmovedora historia! 

    Regístrese en

    Sobre el autor: Javier Zamora nació en El Salvador en 1990. Su padre huyó del país cuando él tenía un año y su madre cuando él estaba por cumplir cinco. Las migraciones de ambos padres fueron causadas por la Guerra Civil Salvadoreña financiada por Estados Unidos. Cuando tenía nueve años, Javier emigró por Guatemala, México y el desierto de Sonora. Su primera colección de poesía, Unaccompanied, explora el impacto de la guerra y la inmigración en su familia. Zamora ha sido Stegner Fellow en Stanford y Radcliffe Fellow en Harvard y posee becas del National Endowment for the Arts y la Fundación de Poesía.

    Para las próximas charlas, visite:

    Las charlas virtuales de autores son posibles gracias a Los Amigos de La Biblioteca Capitola.

  • Virtual Author Talk with Javier Zamora
    Thu, Nov. 14 (1:00 PM-2:00 PM)
    Location: Virtual Library
    Room: Online

    On Childhood Migration from Central America--In Conversation with Javier Zamora

    Tune in for a special conversation with New York Times bestselling author Javier Zamora as he chats with us about his riveting tale of survival and perseverance as told in his award-winning memoir Solito.  

    Zamora’s adventure is a three-thousand-mile journey from his small town in El Salvador, through Guatemala and Mexico, and across the U.S. border. He will leave behind his beloved aunt and grandparents to reunite with a mother who left four years ago and a father he barely remembers. Traveling alone amid a group of strangers and a “coyote” hired to lead them to safety, Javier expects his trip to last two short weeks.

    At nine years old, all Javier can imagine is rushing into his parents’ arms, snuggling in bed between them, and living under the same roof again. He cannot foresee the perilous boat trips, relentless desert treks, pointed guns, arrests and deceptions that await him; nor can he know that those two weeks will expand into two life-altering months alongside fellow migrants who will come to encircle him like an unexpected family.

    Solito provides an immediate and intimate account not only of a treacherous and near-impossible journey, but also of the miraculous kindness and love delivered at the most unexpected moments. Solito is Javier Zamora’s story, but it’s also the story of millions of others who had no choice but to leave home. Register today to learn more about this gripping and moving story! 

    Join the conversation and register at

    For upcoming author talks, visit

    SCPL's Virtual Author Talks are made possible by the Friends of the Capitola Library.

    About the Author: Javier Zamora was born in El Salvador in 1990. His father fled the country when he was one, and his mother when he was about to turn five. Both parents’ migrations were caused by the U.S.-funded Salvadoran Civil War. When he was nine Javier migrated through Guatemala, Mexico, and the Sonoran Desert. His debut poetry collection, Unaccompanied, explores the impact of the war and immigration on his family. Zamora has been a Stegner Fellow at Stanford and a Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard and holds fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation.

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