Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

2022 June 7th - Primary Election

Measure Title Result
B County Transient Occupancy Tax Approved
C County Disposable Cup Tax Approved
D Santa Cruz County Greenway Initiative Failed
E Santa Cruz City District Elections Approved
F Santa Cruz City Sales and Use Tax Questi... Failed


Measure B

County of Santa Cruz
County Transient Occupancy Tax

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREA VACATION RENTAL/OVERNIGHT LODGING TAX - To fund Santa Cruz County essential public services including wildfire prevention, emergency response/recovery, street repair, public/mental health services, homelessness programs, and affordable housing, shall Santa Cruz County increase its existing Transient Occupancy Tax, paid by tourists and others staying overnight at lodging facilities in unincorporated areas, from 11% to 12% for hotels/motels/inns, and to 14% for vacation rental properties, providing approximately $2,300,000 annually, until ended by voters?
[Full text for measure B not available]

    Votes yes: 52856
    Votes no:  23491


Measure C

County of Santa Cruz
County Disposable Cup Tax

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CLEAN WATER/BEACHES, PUBLIC HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURE. To reduce pollution, trash and plastics entering local waters and beaches; protect water quality, public health and marine life; address illegal dumping; help prevent wildfires; clean/maintain parks and public areas; and provide environmental education and other general services, shall 12.5 cents of Santa Cruz County’s existing single-use cup charge be collected as a tax until ended by voters, raising approximately $700,000 annually and requiring public spending reports?
[Full text for measure C not available]

    Votes yes: 52993
    Votes no:  23093


Measure D

County of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz County Greenway Initiative

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY GREENWAY INITIATIVE MEASURE: Shall voters adopt the measure to amend the Circulation Element of the County’s General Plan related to use of the Santa Cruz Branch Line Rail Corridor as set forth in the Santa Cruz County Greenway Initiative Petition?
[Full text for measure D not available]

    Votes yes: 20618
    Votes no:  56390


Measure E

City of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz City District Elections

In order to comply with the California Voting Rights Act and promote more diversity and provide greater accountability of elected officials to residents in all City neighborhoods, while maintaining City leadership focused on the interests of the whole community, shall the Santa Cruz City Charter be amended to provide for a directly-elected at-large Mayor, six council districts, updated rules on term limits, and runoff elections?
[Full text for measure E not available]

    Votes yes: 11490
    Votes no:  5774


Measure F

City of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz City Sales and Use Tax Question

To protect quality of life in the City of Santa Cruz by supporting resources to mitigate the impacts of homelessness, create affordable housing, reduce wildfire risk, maintain City facilities and essential infrastructure, fix streets, support downtown, maintain parks and recreation facilities for youth and seniors, fight climate change, and prevent reductions in important city services, shall the City of Santa Cruz be authorized to augment its General Fund by levying one-half of one percent sales tax, raising about $6 million annually?
[Full text for measure F not available]

    Votes yes: 8563
    Votes no:  8613

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