Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

2013 November 5th - General Election


Measure H

Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District
School parcel tax

To support high academic achievement for local students and provide stable local funding to maintain outstanding core academic programs in reading, writing, math, and science, retain highly qualified and experienced teachers, and prepare students for an excellent high school shall the Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District authorize an annual school parcel tax of $164 per parcel for seven years with independent citizens' oversight, an exemption for seniors, no funds for administrator's salaries and every dollar staying in our schools?
[Full text for measure H]

    Approved. (2/3 majority required)
    Votes yes: 938
    Votes no:  319


Measure U

City of Scotts Valley
Sales tax rate increase

Shall a temporary one-half of one percent sales tax rate increase be approved for an eight year period to keep the budget balanced and to preserve police, parks, recreation and other city services for the residents of Scotts Valley?
[Full text for measure U]

    Votes yes: 2029
    Votes no:  667

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