Endangered Species

Endangered Species

Status: T


9 species have the selected status...

  • California Red-Legged Frog
    "California red-legged frogs are primarily pond frogs, but they also inhabit marshes, streams, and lagoons ..."
  • California Tiger Salamander
    "It is a large, stocky, terrestrial salamander with a broad, rounded snout. Adults males are ..."
  • Coho Salmon
    "Coho smolts generally migrate to the open ocean in the spring of their second year. ..."
  • Marbled Murrelet
    "The Marbled Murrelet is a small, chubby seabird that has a very short neck. Adults ..."
  • Monterey Spineflower
    "The Monterey Spineflower is an annual herb belonging to the Buckwheat Family. It is distinguished ..."
  • Santa Cruz Tarplant
    "Santa Cruz Tarplant is a spreading, aromatic and glandular annual herb in the sunflower family ..."
  • Southern Sea Otter
    "Southern sea otters are marine mammals with a thick pelt, mainly reddish, dark brown, or ..."
  • Steelhead Trout
    "Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) belong to the family Salmonidae which includes all salmon, trout, and ..."
  • Western Snowy Plover
    "The Western Snowy Plover is a small shorebird which lives primarily on beaches, dry mud ..."