Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

2006 June 6th - Primary Election


Measure E

City of Watsonville
Watsonville Retirement Tax Repeal Initiative

Shall the repeal Subdivision (b)(2) of Section 1122 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Watsonville requiring a property tax to be collected for the purpose of paying the City's obligations to the public employees retirement?
[Full text for measure E]

    Votes yes: 2698
    Votes no:  2821


Measure F

Scotts Valley Fire Protection District
Scotts Valley Fire Protection Bond

Shall the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District be authorized to issue general obligation bonds (in multiple series, no bond exceeding 30 years from issuance) in a principal amount not exceeding $8,000,000, bearing interest at legal rates, to assist in constructing a new fire station and administration building, pay costs of issuance, and levy an ad valorem tax on taxable property in the District at a rate sufficient to pay for the bonds and administration thereof?
[Full text for measure F]

    Failed. (2/3 majority required)
    Votes yes: 3144
    Votes no:  1677


Measure N

Aromas-San Juan Unified School District

School Repair Measure. To improve safety conditions of neighborhood schools, replace relocatable classrooms and to construct, acquire, upgrade and equip classrooms, facilities and sites, shall Aromas-San Juan Unified School District issue $23,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, maintain its Citizens Oversight Committee and enforce strict financial accountability guidelines to guarantee that no bond money used for salaries or other operating expenses?
[Full text for measure N]

    Failed. (55% majority required)
    Votes yes: 10
    Votes no:  9

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