Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

1988 November 8th - General Election

Measure Title Result
A Water System Improvements - Revenue Bond... Approved
B Change of Appropriations Limit Approved
C Ordinance Establishing City Policy Conce... Approved
D Special Tax Increase Approved
E Ordinance Establishing County Policy Con... Approved
F County Initiative Prohibiting Rent Contr... Failed


Measure A

Soquel Creek Water District
Water System Improvements - Revenue Bonds

Shall the Soquel Creek Water District issue revenue bonds in the principal amount of $10,000,000 pursuant to the Revenue Bond Law of 1941 to provide funds for the acquisition and construction of improvements to the District's existing water system, comprising new wells and pumps, storage tanks, treatment facilities and pipelines and distribution lines, together with necessary lands and easements therefor, and other works, properties or structures necessary or convenient for the acquisition and construction of improvements to the existing water system of the Soquel Creek Water District?
[Full text for measure A]

    Votes yes: 14776
    Votes no:  3086


Measure B

Scotts Valley Fire Protection District
Change of Appropriations Limit

Shall an ordinance submitted by the Board of Directors of the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District to the voters of the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District of Santa Cruz County be approved in order to change the District Appropriations Limit and to provide continued funding for fire protection, prevention and other public services rendered by the district under the Fire Protection District Law of 1961, as amended (California Health Safety Code Section 13801 and following) for the benefit of the residents of the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District?
[Full text for measure B]

    Votes yes: 6699
    Votes no:  698


Measure C

City of Santa Cruz
Ordinance Establishing City Policy Concerning University Growth and its Impact on the City

Shall an ordinance be adopted requiring the City Council of the City of Santa Cruz to make every effort: (1) To curtail the rapid and large scale growth of the University of California at Santa Cruz in order to preserve the unique and special character of Santa Cruz; and (2) To ensure that the University pays for any services necessitated by its growth?
[Full text for measure C]

    Votes yes: 18407
    Votes no:  6168


Measure D

Branciforte Fire Protection District
Special Tax Increase

Shall the Branciforte Fire Protection District be authorized to impose an increase in the special tax within the district for fire protection, prevention, and other services rendered by the district under the Fire Protection District Law of 1987 (Health and Safety Code Section 13800 and following), such tax not to exceed $5.00 for parcels not exceeding 10,000 square feet in size; $20.00 for parcels of more than 10,000 square feet and less than 25 acres in size; $30.00 for parcels of 25 acres or more in size; $30.00 additional per dwelling unit for improved residential property; $150.00 additional per licensed bed for residential care facilities; $10.00 additional per space for commercial campground/travel trailer park; $10.00 additional per sleeping room for hotels, apartments and hostels; $150.00 additional for organized camp facilities; and $400.00 additional per occupancy for improved industrial occupancy?
[Full text for measure D]

    Approved. (2/3 majority required)
    Votes yes: 685
    Votes no:  303


Measure E

County of Santa Cruz
Ordinance Establishing County Policy Concerning University Growth and its Impact on the County of Santa Cruz

Shall an ordinance be adopted requiring the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz to make every effort: (1) To curtail the rapid and large scale growth of the University of California at Santa Cruz in order to preserve the unique and special character of Santa Cruz County; and (2) To ensure that the University pays for any services necessitated by its growth?
[Full text for measure E]

    Votes yes: 68979
    Votes no:  29066


Measure F

Santa Cruz County
County Initiative Prohibiting Rent Control and Prohibiting Price Limitations on the Sale or Rental of Real Property

Shall the County initiative measure seeking to repeal the County Mobile Home Rent Adjustment Ordinance and the County Affordable Housing Ordinance, and to prohibit the County from enacting any laws in the future restricting sale or rental prices of real property be adopted?
[Full text for measure F]

    Votes yes: 26979
    Votes no:  70175

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