

Premium Research Database
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Amistad Research Center Digital Collection of oral histories, photographs, and primary documents covering the Civil Rights Movement.
Copyright Alliance A one-stop shop for copyright information, including resources on copyright law; issues and policy; education; and how to find a copyright attorney, creator services, or a copyright owner, as well as news and events.
Getty Research Institute Images, research guides and bibliographies, lexicon of art terminology.
Local History Articles
National Geographic Virtual Library Archive 1888-1994
New York Public Library Digital Collections Images from NYPL's collections including streaming video.
Santa Cruz County Birds & Wildlife This inspiring collection of Santa Cruz County Bird and Wildlife Photography is available to the Santa Cruz Public Libraries thanks to a generous donation by Tony Britton Photography. Students may use the photos for educational purposes for free, as long as the photos are attributed to the copyright holder. Use of these photos for commercial or other purposes are decided by the copyright holder. All inquiries for use of photographs should be directed to