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Brainfuse HelpNow Offering free academic help at all levels, Brainfuse has live online tutoring in elementary, middle school, high school, college, and adult education. SAT, ACT, GED, and Citizenship test help is also available. Writing a paper? Send your paper to a tutor and receive a response within 24 hours. Job seekers can also get resume and job finding assistance in the Adult Learning Center. Maestros en espaƱol disponible.
Community Information Database SCPL's comprehensive database of human service resources, nonprofit, and community organizations serving Santa Cruz County.
Community Information Database: Employment List of employment resources maintained by the Santa Cruz Public Libraries.
eLibrary (ProQuest) General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers. (Grades 6+)
Job Resources for the Formerly Incarcerated from Library of Congress Online and print resources providing information and services aimed at assisting formerly incarcerated individuals with locating employment.
JobNow A unique service that features expert resume assistance, live interview preparation and career coaching. Users can draw from a carefully-selected library of interview tips, resume templates, career assessments, and other valuable resources.
LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning has thousands of professional online business, creative, and tech courses that build in-demand skills.
Monterey Bay Economic Partnership Find data insights into demographics & housing, workforce development & employment, higher education, agriculture & tourism, health & wellness, and tech & transportation in the Monterey Bay region.
Santa Cruz County Statistics Links to a full range of demographic, economic, health, and other statistics for Santa Cruz County. Created and maintained by SCPL Librarians.
Santa Cruz Small Business Development Center (SBDC) A treasure trove of resources for small businesses. Get one-on-one help, training and workshops, funding assistance, and more. Their lists of resources are comprehensive, and their services are completely free. Local job listings.
VetNow Get personalized assistance from a VA navigator to discover eligible benefits. Find resources for veterans in education, employment, housing, and healthcare.