

Book Lists

Book Lists

Jewish American Heritage Month Picture Books

Books for kids to about 8 years old.

G, Mister, author.
"Text based on a Hebrew lullaby tells the story of a Jewish refugee family traveling by night to find a safe home in a new land"-- Provided by publisher.

Kimmelman, Leslie, author.
A tour of Israel profiles such sites as the Old City of Jerusalem, modern Tel Aviv, and the Biblical Zoo while introducing the region's diverse cultures and customs.

Taback, Simms.
A very old overcoat is recycled numerous times into a variety of garments.

Edwards, Michelle, author.
Sophia knits a special hat for her elderly neighbor and knitting teacher, Mrs. Goldman.

Markel, Michelle.
An illustrated account of immigrant Clara Lemlich's pivotal role in the influential 1909 women laborer's strike describes how she worked grueling hours to acquire an education and support her family before organizing a massive walkout to protest the unfair working conditions in New York's garment district.

Taback, Simms.
J 398.2 TAB
Thirteen brief, illustrated, traditional Jewish tales, each accompanied by an appropriate saying.

Samuel, Sigal, author.
Osnat Barzani, also known as Asnat or Asenath Barzani, the world's first female rabbi, was born almost five hundred years ago, during a time when few girls were allowed to read. Her father was a great scholar whose house was filled with books, and she convinced him to teach her. She grew up to teach others, becoming a wise and famous scholar in her own right.-- Adapted from inside front jacket flap,, and a Jerusalem Post article about the book.

Perlov, Betty Rosenberg.
A young girl's family is part of a Yiddish theater performance group active in New York City.

Gelfand, Shoshana Boyd, author.
J 398.2089 GEL
These stories are for sharing. Gathered from many times and places, they explore the questions that challenge all of us: Why do bad things happen to good people? Is it more important to be kind or to be clever? Is truth the highest value? What happens after we die? Collected by Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, these are tales to read together, talk about and above all to enjoy. Pass them on!

Schram, Peninnah.
J 398.2 SCH
A collection of classic Jewish folktales which emphasize values and moral lessons, each with an introduction that places it in context with other Jewish teachings.

Schwartz, Amy.
Tired of kindergarten, Bea Jones trades "jobs" with her father, who works in an office.

Wayland, April Halprin.
On Rosh Hashanah, Izzy and his family make lists of the wrongs they have committed over the past year, and after they have apologized, they throw pieces of bread into the water to "clean their hearts" in a ceremony called tashlich.

Forest, Heather.
J 398.2 FOR
Unable to stand his overcrowded and noisy home any longer, a man goes to the wise old woman who lives nearby for advice.

Singer, Marilyn, author.
J 811.54 SIN
"This warm and engaging poetry collection that follows a family of five as they discover and celebrate all of the Jewish holidays"-- Provided by publisher.

Behar, Ruth, 1956- author.
Hogar significa esperanza en tiempos de cambio. Hogar significa mazal bueno en un nuevo comienzo. Hogar es una llave a las historias de familia que no se ovidan.

Behar, Ruth, 1956- author.
Estrella learns about her Cuban and Jewish heritage as she helps her aunt move from her Miami apartment to an assisted living community.

Newman, Lesléa, author.
Inside the house, a boy prepares for the Passover ritual of welcoming Elijah--meanwhile, outside the house, a kitten lingers in the cold.

Newman, Tracy, 1971- author.
"Before becoming one of the greatest violinists of all time, Itzhak Perlman was simply a boy who loved music. Raised by a poor immigrant family in a tiny Tel Aviv apartment, baby Itzhak was transformed by the sounds from his family’s kitchen radio—graceful classical symphonies, lively klezmer tunes, and soulful cantorial chants. The rich melodies and vibrant rhythms spoke to him like magic, filling his mind with vivid rainbows of color. After begging his parents for an instrument, Itzhak threw his heart and soul into playing the violin. Despite enormous obstacles—including a near-fatal bout of polio that left him crippled for life—Itzhak persevered, honing his extraordinary gift. When he performed on the Ed Sullivan Show sat only 13, audiences around the world were mesmerized by the warmth, joy, and passion in every note. Gorgeously illustrated with extensive back matter, this picture-book biography recounts Itzhak’s childhood journey—from a boy with a dream to an internationally acclaimed violin virtuoso." --

Cohen, Paula (Illustrator), author, illustrator.
When the opportunity arises, Shirley, the daughter of immigrants who live above their corner grocery store, turns some overlooked gefilte fish into a marketing strategy that changes the flavor of the neighborhood.