Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Community Information Database

Santa Cruz County Local Agency Formation Commission

General Agency Information
Name: Santa Cruz County Local Agency Formation Commission
Alternate Name(s): LAFCO
Local Agency Formation Commission
Santa Cruz LAFCO
Address: 701 Ocean Street, Room 318-D
Santa Cruz,  CA  95060
Driving Directions
Contact Information
Primary Phone: 831-454-2055
Days/Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8am-12 and 1-5pm
Description: The Local Agency Formation Commission is an independent agency established in each county by State law. The objectives are to encourage efficient service areas for services provided by cities, counties, and special districts; to guide urban development away from prime agricultural lands and open space resources; to promote orderly growth; and to discourage urban sprawl.

ELIGIBILITY: The Commission in Santa Cruz County is comprised of seven members: two city council members chosen by the mayors of the cities in the county, two county supervisors chosen by the Board of Supervisors, two special district board members chosen by the twenty-four independent special district board chairpersons in the county, and a public member chosen by the other members of LAFCO.
Meetings: Meetings are generally scheduled the first Wednesday of the month (except July) at 10:00 a.m. in Room 525 of the County Governmental Center, 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz unless an alternative time or place is specified.

Please visit the website for more information.
Languages other than English: None
Accommodations for Disabled Persons: Wheelchair Access
Public Transportation: Available Within One Block
Eligibility: See Description Notes
Fees: None
Areas Served: Santa Cruz County
Physical Location: Santa Cruz
Funding Source: Not stated
Subject Headings
Subject Headings: Government Agencies
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
This agency was last updated on September 18, 2018.